paź 16 2013

Konferencja | 10 Years of Slovak Aid: A Vision of Development Cooperation for a Changing World

Lokalizacja: Świat,

Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych i Europejskich Słowacji zaprasza w dn. 16-17 października 2013 r. na konferencję „10 Years of Slovak Aid: A Vision of Development Cooperation for a Changing World”.

The aim of the conference is to assemble European legislators, state officials, policy makers and opinion leaders, representatives of academia and NGOs, experts, private sector and media representatives. Our intention is to create space for a summary of Slovak development activities conducted over the past 10 years and an outline of new opportunities for the Slovak development agenda. An emphasis will be put on challenges for the Slovak EU Council Presidency in the second half of 2016. The two-day Conference will be the highlight of a thematic week encompassing numerous events and acknowledging the work of all Slovak development cooperation stakeholders and our international partners.

Źródło: materiały organizatora