lut 20 2013

Wykład: Social Entrepreneurship. How Businesses Can Transform Society

Lokalizacja: Polska,



udział bezpłatny

20 lutego w Szkole Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie odbędzie się wykład otwarty prof. Thomasa S. Lyonsa z Zicklin School Of Business – The City University of New York. Tytuł wykładu: „Social Entrepreneurship. How Businesses Can Transform Society”.

Termin: 20 lutego, w godz. 10.45-11.45

Miejsce: sala konferencyjna 152, budynek G, Al. Niepodległości 162 (I piętro)

Fragment z najnwoszej książki prof. Lyonsa: „Some readers may feel that entrepreneurship isn’t for them – not because of lack of interest but because they are too young or too inexperienced. The lessons of social entrepreneurship are perhaps more valuable to new entrepreneurs. College and graduate students have the ideal mix of energy, idealism, and drive that characterizes the best social entrepreneurs. For example, today’s top companies – Facebook, Microsoft, Apple – were all founded by college students, graduate students, and people in their early 20s. Just as the leading companies of today have been founded by the previous generation of students – the most innovative and imaginative social enterprises of tomorrow are being dreamed up by students today. That means you!”

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